Alameda County Mesothelioma Lawyers
Many Alameda County mesothelioma lawsuits arise from asbestos exposure that occurred at various jobsites decades before an actual diagnosis.
The mesothelioma lawyers at Kazan Law handle many cases in Alameda County, which is located in the San Francisco Bay Area of Northern California. It runs along the east side of the San Francisco Bay and stretches east through the Livermore Valley to the western edge of California’s Central Valley.
The county population is over 1.6 million people.
Alameda County is home to many cities and towns. The largest city and county seat is Oakland, home to about 425,000 people. Other cities include Berkeley, Alameda, Fremont, Dublin, San Leandro, Hayward, Livermore, Pleasanton, Piedmont, Emeryville, Newark, Union City, and Albany.
- Alameda
- Albany
- Berkeley
- Dublin
- Emeryville
- Fremont
- Hayward
- Livermore
- Newark
- Oakland
- Piedmont
- Pleasanton
- San Leandro
- Union City
Alameda County, California was founded in 1853. The name “Alameda” in Spanish means “tree lined street.” The area was named because the river reminded explorers of tree-lined streets in Spain. The city of Oakland was established as the county seat in 1873.

Alameda County mesothelioma lawsuits are handled in the Alameda County civil court system. The civil courts are located throughout the county. There are three civil court locations in Oakland, and additional civil courts in the cities of Alameda and Hayward. Mesothelioma lawsuits are designated complex litigation and are handled in the court’s dedicated Asbestos Department, in the main Oakland courthouse. Plaintiffs in Alameda County mesothelioma lawsuits are often entitled to preference on the court’s trial calendars, allowing their cases to proceed quickly to trial and resolution.
The mesothelioma attorneys at Kazan, McClain, Satterley and Greenwood bring many asbestos related lawsuits in the county and have decades of experience going against the largest companies in various industries.

Many mesothelioma lawsuits involve exposure to asbestos that occurred in the county. Because Alameda County is located on San Francisco Bay, it includes many ports and harbors, including the Port of Oakland, one of the five busiest shipping ports in the United States. These ports and shipping facilities historically used a lot of asbestos products and equipment. The county is also home to many industrial and manufacturing businesses that also used a lot of asbestos products.
Many Alameda County mesothelioma lawsuits have been brought based on asbestos exposure that occurred at many specific worksites around the county, including:
- Abex Corporation, Oakland – Manufacturing plant
- Adhesive Products, Albany – Manufacturing plant
- AEC-Lawrence Livermore Lab, Livermore – Laboratories
- Aladdin Heating Corp., San Leandro – Construction sites
- American Brass & Iron, Oakland – Foundry
- American Can Company, Oakland – Foundry
- American Cryogenics, Union City – Laboratories
- Amship Corp, Alameda – Shipyard
- Annabell Candy, Hayward – Food processing plant
- Ashland Chemical, Oakland – Chemical plant
- Associated Aerospace Activities, San Leandro – Aerospace
- Atlas Imperial Diesel Engine Co., Oakland – Automotive plant
- Ball Cannery, San Leandro – Food processing plant
- BART Stations, Oakland, Berkeley, San Leandro, Hayward, Fremont, Union City, Dublin/Pleasanton – Construction site
- Bay Cities Iron Works, Oakland – Foundry
- Bell Carter Olive Co., Berkeley – Food processing plant
- Bethlehem Steel Shipyard, Alameda – Shipyard
- Borden Chemical Co., Fremont – Chemical plant
- California Ink Co., Berkeley – Manufacturing plant
- California Zonolite, Newark – Manufacturing plant
- Carnation Foods, Oakland – Food processing plant
- Caterpillar Plant, San Leandro – Automotive plant
- Colgate Palmolive, Berkeley – Manufacturing plant
- Commercial construction jobsites, Alameda County – Construction sites
- Consolidated Freightways, San Leandro – Transportation
- Crowley Shipyard, Oakland – Shipyard
- Del Monte Cannery, Emeryville, Oakland, San Leandro – Food processing plant
- Dexter-Midland Chemical Company, Hayward – Manufacturing plant
- East Bay Container Repair, Inc., Oakland, CA – Shipyard
- East Bay Municipal Utility District (Water District) – Utility services
- East Bay Sewage Treatment Plant, Oakland – Utility services
- Engs Motor Truck Company, Oakland – Automotive plant
- Flexi-Van Leasing, Inc., Oakland – Automotive plant
- Fruitvale Canning Company, Oakland – Food processing plant
- General Electric, Oakland – Manufacturing plant
- General Engineering & Dry Dock, Alameda – Shipyard
- General Foods, San Leandro – Food processing plant
- General Motors, Fremont – Automotive plant
- General Transport Equipment Co., Oakland – Transportation
- Gerber Products, Oakland – Food processing plant
- Glass Containers Corp, Hayward – Manufacturing plant
- Glass House, Antioch
- Glidden Durkee, Berkeley – Manufacturing plant
- Globe Metals, Oakland – Foundry
- Grove Valve, Emeryville – Manufacturing plant
- Hazel Atlas Glass, Oakland – Manufacturing plant
- Highland Hospital in Oakland – Construction site
- Holly Sugar Corp., Newark – Food processing plant
- Hunt-Wessom, Inc., Hayward – Food processing plant
- Hurley Machine Works, Oakland – Manufacturing plant
- James River Corp., San Leandro – Manufacturing plant
- Jones & Hamilton Chemical, Newark – Chemical plant
- Judson Steel, Emeryville – Foundry
- Judson-Pacific War Industries, Yard 2, Oakland – Shipyard
- Kaiser Aerospace, San Leandro – Aerospace
- Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp., Pleasanton – Manufacturing plant
- Kaiser Center & Ordway Buildings, Oakland – Construction site
- Kellogg Co., San Leandro – Food processing plant
- Kilpatrick’s Bakery, Oakland – Food processing plant
- Lawrence Livermore Labs, Livermore – Laboratories
- Leslie Salt Company, Newark – Food processing plant
- Lorimer Diesel Engine Co., Oakland – Automobile manufacturing
- Martinolich Shipyard, Oakland – Shipyard
- Matson Navigation Co., Alameda – Shipyard
- Maxwell House, San Leandro – Food processing plant
- Merritt Ship Repair, Oakland – Shipyard
- Moore Dry Dock, Oakland, CA – Shipyard
- Morton Salt Co., Newark – Food processing plant
- Mother’s Cakes & Cookies, Oakland – Food processing plant
- National Car Rental Truck Division, Oakland – Transportation
- Naval Air Station Alameda, Alameda – Shipyard
- Nestle Beverage Co., San Leandro – Food processing plant
- Oakland Army Base – Construction site
- Oakland International Airport, Oakland – Airport
- Oakland Naval Supply Center, Oakland – Shipyard
- Oakland sewage treatment plant – Utilities
- Oceanic Container Systems, Inc .Oakland, CA – Shipyard
- Orangeburg Manufacturing Co., Newark – Manufacturing plant
- Ormond Owens-Illinois, Inc., Oakland – Manufacturing plant
- Pabco Factory, Emeryville – Manufacturing plant
- Pacific Bridge Co., Alameda – Construction site
- Pacific Coast Engineering, Alameda – Shipyard
- Pacific Dry Dock & Repair Co., Oakland – Shipyard
- Pacific States Steel, Fremont – Foundry
- Pacific Steel Casting, Berkeley – Foundry
- Pfizer Company, Inc., Emeryville – Manufacturing plant
- Plant Shipyard Corp., Alameda – Shipyard
- Proctor & Gamble, Emeryville – Manufacturing plant
- Pure Carbonic, Emeryville – Manufacturing plant
- Red Star Yeast, Oakland – Food processing plant
- Safeway, San Leandro – Grocery retailer
- Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc., Oakland – Shipyard
- Sea-Land at Port of Oakland, Oakland – Shipyard
- Shell Development, Emeryville – Chemical plant
- Sierra Chemical, Newark – Chemical plant
- Sierra Mill & Lumber, Oakland – Lumber yard
- Sierra Mill & Lumber, Emeryville – Lumber yard
- Southern Pacific Transportation Co., Oakland – Railroad
- Standard Brands Paint Co., Oakland – Manufacturing plant
- Todd Shipyard, Alameda – Shipyard
- Transport Container Services/Transport System Services, Inc., Oakland – Shipyard
- U.C. Berkeley Accelerator Laboratory, Berkeley – Laboratory
- U.C. Berkeley, Berkeley – Construction site
- U.C. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory – Laboratory
- U.S Army Camp Parks, Dublin – Construction site
- U.S. Pipe & Foundry, Union City – Manufacturing plant
- Union Pacific (So. Pacific) Railyard, Oakland – Railroad
- United Engineering Co., Alameda
- Vulcan Foundry, Oakland – Foundry
- W.F. Stone & Co., Alameda
- Wagner & Niehaus Machine Shop, Oakland – Automobile plants
- Walter N. Boysen Paint Company, Emeryville – Manufacturing plant
- Western Die Casting, Emeryville – Manufacturing plant
- Western Electric, Oakland – Electrical company
- Westinghouse Electric Corp., Emeryville – Electrical company
- World Airways Hangar, Oakland – Airport
Alameda County mesothelioma cases have historically involved industrial and shipyard exposure to asbestos by many different kinds of workers, in all variety of industrial jobs, trades, and occupations, including:
- Boilermakers
- Carpenters
- Construction Workers
- Custodians
- Drillers
- Drywallers
- Electricians
- Flooring Installers
- Foundry Workers
- Glaziers
- Home Repair
- HVAC Repair
- Insulators
- Iron Workers
- Laborers
- Lathers
- Machine Operators
- Machinists
- Marine Engineers
- Molders
- Painters
- Paintmakers
- Pipe Installation
- Pipefitters
- Plasterers
- Plumbers
- Public Works projects
- Repairman
- Riggers
- Roofers
- Seaman
- Sheetmetal Workers
- Steamfitters
- Superintendents/Foremen
- Tiremen
- Vehicle Repair
- Welders
The mesothelioma lawyers at Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood have brought successful asbestos exposure lawsuits arising from asbestos exposure at many types of worksites:
- Aerospace
- Airports
- Automobile plants
- Chemical plants
- Construction sites
- Electric companies
- Factories
- Food-processing plants
- Foundries
- Garages
- Grocery retailers
- Laboratories
- Lumber yards
- Manufacturing plants
- Military facilities
- Navy ships
- Oil refineries
- Shipyards
The lawyers at Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood have also brought successful “take home” mesothelioma lawsuits on behalf of spouses and family members of workers who were exposed to take-home asbestos at their worksites in Alameda County and brought the asbestos home on their work clothes.
The exposed workers in Alameda County lawsuits have received world-class treatment at hospitals and medical centers throughout Alameda County, where many leading experts in treating mesothelioma cases practice.

These Alameda County mesothelioma treatment facilities include:
- Kaiser Permanente – Alameda, Fremont, Hayward, Livermore, Oakland, Pleasanton, San Leandro, Union City
- John Muir Health – Berkeley, Pleasanton
- Epic Care – Berkeley, Castro Valley, Dublin, Emeryville, Hayward, Livermore, Oakland, San Leandro
- University of California Health Care – U.C.S.F. – Berkeley, Oakland, Fremont, Pleasanton
- Veterans Affairs – Livermore, Oakland, Fremont
- Stanford Health Care – Alameda, Emeryville, Castro Valley, Hayward, Pleasanton, Oakland
- Sutter Health – Berkeley, Oakland, Castro Valley, San Leandro, Fremont, Dublin, Oakland, Emeryville, Alameda, Albany
The mesothelioma lawyers at Kazan McClain, Satterley & Greenwood have brought hundreds of successful mesothelioma cases on behalf of workers injured in Alameda County.
The offices of Kazan, McClain, Satterley and Greenwood are conveniently located in the city of Oakland. Because these offices are located near the main Alameda County courthouse, our attorneys are able to file and prosecute many cases in the county.
Over four decades, our lawyers have recovered over $4 billion dollars in jury verdicts and settlements in mesothelioma cases arising throughout California, including in Alameda County.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact us now to speak with one of our partners. The California based mesothelioma lawyers at Kazan McClain, Satterley & Greenwood will bring their decades of expertise and success to your claim for mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure in Alameda County. We can be reached 24/7 via live chat, telephone or by filling out the form on this page.