Walnut Creek Mesothelioma Lawyers
Walnut Creek mesothelioma lawyers represent individuals and their families who live in Walnut Creek or were exposed to asbestos within the city. We offer hope to families whose lives have been tragically and irreversibly affected by mesothelioma and other asbestos related diseases.
The city of Walnut Creek is in Contra Costa County, in the San Francisco Bay area of Northern California. Almost 70,000 people make their home in Walnut Creek. Walnut Creek was named after the Rancho Arroyo de las Nueces y Bolbones which in turn was named after the waterway Arroyo de las Nueces, which means Walnut Creek. “Bolbones” was in commemoration of the native tribe of the region.
The Walnut Creek area was originally inhabited by the Bay Miwok native tribes. The tribes living in the shadow of Mt. Diablo were sustained by the plentiful game, acorns, and roots and berries of the region.
Walnut Creek, like much of Contra Costa county, has its origins in the Mexican land grant system. Nearly 18,000 acres in what is now known as Walnut Creek was granted to Doña Juana Sanchez de Pacheco in recognition of the military service of her husband, Miguel. She renamed her land Rancho San Miguel. Her two grandsons, Ysidro and Ygnacio Sibrian, eventually inherited the property. Ygnacio Sibrian called his land Rancho Arroyo de Las Nueces y Bolbones and used it primarily to graze his cattle.
By the late 1850s, a small village formed at “The Corners,” named for its location at the intersection of two major roads, one from Pacheco to San Jose and the other from Oakland to Antioch. Today, this is the intersection of Mt. Diablo Boulevard and Main Street. In 1862, The Corners were officially renamed “Walnut Creek.”
In 1914, Walnut Creek and its surrounding open space was incorporated as Contra Costa County’s eighth city.
Bay area infrastructure improvements led to population growth in Walnut Creek and the surrounding towns. The 1936 opening of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and the 1937 opening of the Caldecott Tunnel facilitated automobile commuting to San Francisco and Walnut Creek became a popular bedroom community. Between 1950 and 1970 Walnut Creek was the fastest-growing community in California, with the population growing from 2,000 to nearly 40,000.
In 1964, the 2,200 acre Stanley Dollar Ranch in the Tice Valley area of Walnut Creek became Rossmoor, a retirement community. The Dollar family had used the property to raise horses and prize Hereford cattle. The Dollar family home is still stands in Rossmoor and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Today, over 9,000 active seniors live in Rossmoor.
The Walnut Creek Open Space division manages over 3000 acres. This green belt is used for hiking, horseback riding and other outdoor activities. Currently, Walnut Creek has more open space per capita than any other city in California.

The mesothelioma lawyers at Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood have over 45 years of experience working with mesothelioma lawsuits in Walnut Creek, in Contra Costa County and throughout California. Our mesothelioma lawyers can come to your home to discuss your work history, and to guide you through the mesothelioma lawsuit process. Occupational exposure to asbestos may have taken place many years in the past, and it is often necessary to take a detailed work history to determine exposure.
Many Walnut Creek mesothelioma lawsuits involve exposure to asbestos that occurred locally within the city. Walnut Creek mills, industries and construction projects used considerable amounts of asbestos products and asbestos-containing equipment in the past. Walnut Creek mesothelioma lawsuits have been brought based on asbestos exposure that occurred at specific worksites around the city, including:
- Varian, Walnut Creek – Laboratory
Walnut Creek mesothelioma cases can involve occupational exposure to asbestos by many different kinds of workers, in a variety of industrial jobs, trades, and occupations, including:
- Boilermakers
- Carpenters
- Construction Workers
- Custodians
- Drillers
- Drywallers
- Electricians
- Flooring Installers
- Foundry Workers
- Glaziers
- Home Repair
- HVAC Repair
- Insulators
- Iron Workers
- Laborers
- Lathers
- Machine Operators
- Machinists
- Engineers
- Molders
- Painters
- Paintmakers
- Pipe Installation
- Pipefitters
- Plasterers
- Plumbers
- Public Works projects
- Repairman
- Riggers
- Roofers
- Seaman
- Sheetmetal Workers
- Steamfitters
- Superintendents/Foremen
- Tiremen
- Vehicle Repair
- Welder
The mesothelioma lawyers at Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood have brought successful asbestos exposure lawsuits arising from asbestos exposure at many types of worksites in Walnut Creek, across the San Francisco Bay area and throughout California, including:
- aerospace
- airports
- automobile plants
- chemical plants
- construction sites
- electric companies
- factories
- food-processing plants
- foundries
- garages
- grocery retailers
- laboratories
- lumber yards
- manufacturing plants
- military facilities
- Navy ships
- oil refineries
- shipyards
The mesothelioma lawyers at Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood have also brought successful “take home” mesothelioma lawsuits on behalf of spouses and family members of workers who were exposed to asbestos at their worksites and brought the asbestos dust home on their work clothes.
Asbestos exposed workers in mesothelioma lawsuits have received medical care and treatment at hospitals in Walnut Creek and in nearby communities in Contra Costa County and throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Treatment centers close to Walnut Creek include:
- Epic Care in Antioch, Brentwood, Clayton, Concord, Pleasant Hill, San Ramon and Walnut Creek
- University of California Health Care, UCSF in Walnut Creek
- Veterans Affairs Clinic in Martinez
- Stanford Health Care: Alliance Medical Group in Pinole andSan Pablo
- Associated Internal Medicine in San Pablo
- Bay Valley Medical Group in Danville
- Cardiovascular Consultants Medical Group in Concord, San Pablo, San Ramon and Walnut Creek
- Diablo Valley ENT in San Ramon and Walnut Creek
- General Surgery and Cancer Program in Danville
- Sutter Health :Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Lafayette, Concord, Danville, San Ramon and Walnut Creek
- Palo Alto Medical Foundation in Antioch
- Sutter Delta Medical Center in Antioch, Brentwood, Concord, Orinda, Richmond and San Ramon
- Sutter East Bay Medical Foundation, Surgery Division in Walnut Creek
- Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation in Concord
The offices of the mesothelioma law firm of Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood are located in the beautiful Jack London Square area of Oakland, California. The Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood mesothelioma lawyers are able to file cases in Walnut Creek, in Contra Costa County and throughout California.
Walnut Creek mesothelioma lawsuits are considered complex civil litigation and are handled in the civil court system. Mesothelioma lawsuits are designated complex litigation. Plaintiffs in Walnut Creek mesothelioma lawsuits are often entitled to preference on the court’s trial calendars, allowing their cases to proceed quickly to resolution.
Over the last four decades, the Walnut Creek mesothelioma law firm of Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood has recovered over $4 billion dollars in verdicts and settlements in mesothelioma cases arising throughout California, the San Francisco Bay area, and in the city of Walnut Creek
If you or someone in your family has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact us now to speak with one of our partners. The mesothelioma lawyers at Kazan, McClain, Satterley & Greenwood will bring their decades of expertise and success to your claim for mesothelioma caused by asbestos exposure in Walnut Creek, in the San Francisco Bay Area, and across California. To get a free consultation with one of our mesothelioma attorneys, please call 1-888-887-1238, fill out the form on this page or use our live chat widget. We are available 24/7.